Saturday, February 2, 2013

Morning Light and Mother


It's Saturday morning and we awoke to a glorious day.  But it's winter here at this northern latitude, and the morning light is soft.  Outside my window, the "Morning Light" miscanthus grass was bathed in light.  And in the hallway, a painting propped against the wall was also bathed in light, compelling me to go find the source.  In the adjoining bedroom, light was streaming through a south-facing window, and twigs and a biscuit jar loved by my mother for the prism light phenomenon it created, were bathed in it.  

After photographing these things, I poured a cup of coffee and sat down to go through some of my older sketchbooks.  In one of them, I found a small piece of paper with words written on it.  The writing was my mother's.  Always the positive thinker and optimist, she had listed words worthy of consideration on this journey of life:

Soul Mates
Prepare to Grow
Divine Grace

As I continued looking through my books, I found a sketch of an idea that I wanted to add notes to.  Having done so, I began to date it and in so doing, realized that today was my mother's birthday -- she would have been eighty-five.  We were so very fortunate to have her in our lives. . .

My mother's cake stand and dome 
(In a recent evening hour of light)



Carole Reid said...

The morning light has been greyed by the clouds and then whisked into brightness when the wind comes out. Your light is similar to ours, both of us in the Northern Hemisphere.
Your previous post about artists taking leaps of faith with their paintings is so true. It takes a leap of faith to start one and to continue on to the end. Love your newest works.

Gloria Freshley Art and Design said...

Hi Carol,

Yes, I like your train of thought: "A leap of faith . . . to continue on to the end." Encouraging words! Thanks very much for your input!

em said...

oh these photos are spectacular!