Sketchbook Speed Painting # 5 - Acrylic
Hello everyone! I've been rather absent from here lately, but I've been making the rounds of the blogosphere on a daily basis. The creative energy on display from around the globe is so stimulating and inspiring. It keeps me in a perpetual state that reminds me of horses behind the starting gates, or runners on their marks, or . . . the beagle we once had, as he waited (not so patiently) just inside the door while we frantically scrambled to put his leash on. It all boils down to pent up creative energy waiting to be released. If you're like me, trying to squeeze your artistic pursuits in between a full time job and the rest of life's demands, you can probably relate. :) Anyway, aside from not having created much art, I've been very busy around here, and am getting close to a point where I will be able to devote more time to painting. A little more on that later; for now, here is the fifth speed painting from my sketchbook. Speed paintings, after all, don't take much time. :)
The weekend is here! Hooray!